
Friday, July 23, 2010


It's 1:43 in the AM. I'm at the hospital. Our duty tonight. Is it? Bored, as always. Free WIFI, no laptop. No mp4, no music. Nothing. Just my mobile phone. *cricket sound*

i'm quite surprised that it's a bit peaceful than it was the last time i was here. A bunch of oldies talking about old people stuff. They might as well blog about it! Or tweet it on twitter.

*scratch head*

my twitter is down at the mo. Can't tweet shit. That's why i'm blogging. To kill the time, i'm blogging. Annoyed? Haha

i wish an international secret organisation would suddenly pick me up from school and send me somewhere on a mission. Wouldn't it be cool? Maybe one day. InsyaAllah. I don't want to die as a boring douche. Don't YOU?


okay, there's this dude now. Just came out of the ward. Stared at me for approximately 10seconds. Could he be a...? Or a...? Hmm it's 2AM. *X-Files soundtrack plays*

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some questions.

Here i am. Here we are, once again. Didn't know this day would come. To see me blog again.
To see you drooling over that double cheese burger.
To see the sun rising from the west- i mean EAST.
To live at a time of crisis.
To live just to find war.
To eat to satisfy your belly.
To have sex to satisfy your sexual needs.

But at what costs?

At what cost do we have to live like this? Have we no honour? Have we lost our ways? Have we lost the plot?

what the hell? Bored shitless here.
At times like these we wonder why is it so hot?!

*scratches armpit*